The Blog

Photo by @gamantri Cris Posadas

On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Do the Camel Dance!

Six weeks in Morocco was definitely interesting to say the least. I was in class about 95% of the time but we did manage to squeeze a little free time in and made a two day camel excursion into the Sahara to spend the night in a nomad tent.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

A New Journey Begins

Luckily for me MTS has basecamps in Alaska, Patagonia, and Spain so that meant I would be traveling to exotic destinations to complete my courses. First up was the Mountain 101 in Alaska.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Please Stand By!

I have decided it's time to start writing in here again. I have many stories to recall and lots of pictures to share so please hang on just a little bit so I can put it all together...

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

5/6ths of a Circle

My journey has transitioned from a climbing adventure into a musical endeavor. I am currently logging LOTS of miles on the road chasing a few of my favorite musicians around the south.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

A Neon Cactus in the Night

I have been thinking a lot in the last month; a lot about life, what I’m doing, the people around me, the way the world works; just a lot of thinking. I am not any closer to any kind of grand epiphany or enlightenment. I feel that I am searching for something but not quite sure what that something is.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Pursuing Ideas

I spent Thanksgiving in the L.A. area with family that I haven’t seen in a long time. After that I have spent a lot of time driving; leaving SoCal passing through Arizona and Utah circling Colorado for a while then down to Texas. I have never in my life pictured myself in Texas but here I am.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Hidden Gems

The Bugaboos are a world class climbing destination guarded by a multi-hour drive and a strenuous 3.6 mile hike with a crazy elevation gain. When you arrive in the parking lot after an hour long, 35 mile stretch of dirt road, you must wrap the bottom of your car in chicken wire otherwise the porcupines will mutilate any exposed rubber.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Memories for a Lifetime

From August 18…I'm still trying to process everything that we did; it may take awhile to digest. Dan hitched out to Grand Junction to meet up with his Uncle and I followed a few days later.

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Finding Purpose

“Finding our purpose in life seems to be a difficult process for most people. Perhaps it's a direction instead of an end goal: always straight ahead.” -Arno Ilgner

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On the Road Thomas gilmore On the Road Thomas gilmore

Caving In

From June 7, 2014…For those of you who don't know me or just met me, my name is Thomas and I am living on the road in my Volkswagen van named Bertha with my Australian Cattle Dog BB. How did I end up in this predicament?

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