El Chorro, Spain

Winter Climbing Retreat

El Chorro boasts an incredible variety of climbing routes suitable for climbers of all levels, from beginners seeking an introduction to the sport to seasoned experts craving a challenge. Imagine scaling towering limestone cliffs, traversing vertical walls, and conquering thrilling overhangs against a backdrop of the breathtaking and expansive Spanish countryside. With a seemingly endless array of routes, El Chorro is guaranteed to have something for everyone.

Our guide team will consist of all AMGA certified Rock Guides. We will also be working with a local Spanish IFMGA certified guide. We will strive to provide expert instruction and guidance throughout your stay, ensuring that you learn new techniques, improve your skills, and, most importantly, have a blast while doing it. Whether you're a beginner eager to learn the ropes or an advanced climber seeking to push your limits, our dedicated instructors will tailor their teaching to meet your specific needs and goals.

But it's not just about climbing at our retreat; it's about immersing yourself in new cultures and forging lifelong friendships with like-minded climbers. Book your spot today and prepare for the climbing trip of a lifetime!

To reserve your spot in this retreat, reach out to me at 856-906-2953, send me an email, or fill out the registration page.


Ratio: Max 2:1

Cost: $3,100

Trip Length: 8 Days

All experience levels welcome!


Day 1 (Travel Day)

The Small Town of El Chorro lies just north of the bustling city of Malaga. The easiest way to get there is to fly into Malaga, then take a short bus ride to the Malaga train station. From here it is a 40 min train ride to El Chorro. We are happy to help you coordinate this part of the journey if needed. We will pick you up at the train station and drive you to our accommodations. Ideally everyone will arrive in the afternoon on day one in time for dinner altogether that night.

Day 2

For our first day climbing, we will all head out as a group and do some cragging. Our goal for the first day will be to get warmed up to the climbing in Chorro and teach or review some baseline skills. A mellow first morning is a great way to beat jet lag. Folks who are interested can also head out and jump on a short multi pitch right away.

Days 3-7

For the main portion of the trip, we will split into small teams depending on folks' experience or interests. The ratio will be kept low at 2:1 for the whole trip so that people who are interested can get out multi-pitch climbing. Depending on goals, groups can also climb at single pitch crags as well. There will also be plenty of opportunity for instruction along the way.

Day 8 (Travel Day)

We will have a group debrief in the morning before everyone heads out and makes their way to the airport to return home.

What’s Included?


  • 6 days of professional instruction by AMGA certified Rock Guides

  • Lodging in a shared house with other participants, walking distance from the climbing (We can work with you to accommodate upgrades)

  • Breakfast each day (does not include breakfast on the first travel day)

  • Dinner every day, including a welcome dinner on the first travel day (does not include dinner on the final travel day)

  • Use of group technical equipment such as ropes, rack and quickdraws

not included

  • Airfare/flight 

  • Transportation from Malaga to El Chorro. Expect around 10 Euros each way.

  • Lunches

  • Personal Climbing Equipment (harness, helmet, climbing shoes, we can supply some rentals and are happy to work with you to make recommendations on what/where to buy)

  • Trip Insurance (Trip insurance and rescue insurance are required for this trip)

  • Guide Gratuity 


Where will we stay?

El Chorro is a quiet and quaint village about an hour train ride north of Malaga. In our bustling fast paced world, Chorro is the perfect place to escape to, and experience life at a slower pace. We will have a private apartment booked at one of the hostels in town. Nestled amongst endless olive orchards, and walking distance to much of the climbing, it is the perfect place to return to after a day of climbing.

What will we eat?

We will have private catering for breakfasts and dinners during the trip. Enjoy a week long dive into the Cuisine of southern Spain!

Do people usually sign up solo or in groups?

A lot of people sign up alone. It can be intimidating to travel to a new place alone with a bunch of strangers, be assured a lot of folks are in the same boat. It is a great way to network and meet new people.

How many people sign up? What is the typical demographic?

If a trip fills, we will typically expect around 6 - 8 people on a trip. We usually get a relatively even split of men and women. Historically, the average age has been mid 20's through mid 40's. Though we have had people of all ages sign up, even some in their 70's! Minimum age for this trip is 18.

What is the typical experience level of the participants?

This retreat is open to people of all experience levels, whether its your first time climbing, or are looking to break into 5.12. The low ratio on this course will allow us to split up into small groups and cater to everyone's goals.

How much will I get to lead?

We pride ourselves on providing solid instruction and giving people the opportunity to grow. While its certainly not a requirement for the trip, we are happy to mix in some instructional curriculum for those interested. Whether its your first time climbing outside, or your looking to leading multi pitch routes on your own!

How hard do I need to climb to get the most out of this trip?

El Chorro has a very robust spread of grades, and even has a handful of Via Ferratas! To get the most out your trip we recommend that you feel comfortable top roping 5.9 in a climbing gym.

What if I’ve never been to Spain? Do I need to speak Spanish?

El Chorro is certainly a climbers town. The common language amongst European climbers is English. Knowing a little Spanish certainly won't hurt while your travelling around, but it certainly isn't a requirement for this trip.

What is the cancellation policy?

We have a strict cancellation policy. See our Terms and Conditions page for a more detailed outline on what this looks like. We highly recommend you purchase trip cancellation insurance.