Gym to Crag

  • None - I can tailor this trip to all abilities levels and experience.

    I can provide all of the gear (helmet, harness, shoes) as well.

  • 1-2 Days

    While I can demonstrate all the skills you will need in one day, I find most climbers really enjoy a two-day program so that we can really hone in and refine your skills and confidence on the second day.

  • 1-5 Participants

Upcoming Course December 2-3, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada

This clinic is for the climber who has been regularly climbing in the gym and is ready to make the transition to outdoor climbing. Fundamentally, climbing to the top of a route is the same whether in the gym or outdoors, but the big difference is that outside you will be using your own equipment and you will need to remove your gear every time you finish a pitch.

I will show you how the whole system works and give you all the tips and tricks to make a smooth and efficient transition to confidently climb outdoors under the watchful eye of an expert professional.

We will also begin to introduce “self-rescue” skills to solve some common problems we may run into in an outdoor setting.

Get in touch to reserve your spot at 856-906-2853 or email me.