Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) stands as a pinnacle experience for climbers, offering challenging routes amidst the stunning alpine tundra including crystal clear lakes and ample wildlife.

A day of climbing in Rocky typically begins at 3am and wraps after dark, as most approaches are 3-6 miles in length (one-way). Other considerations to climbing in RMNP, in addition to the long and committing approaches, are inclement alpine weather conditions and altitude acclimation as we will spend most of the day above 10,000 feet.

In order to climb in RMNP together, I will require a prep-day, climbing resume or for you to have previously climbed with me so I know your abilities going into the day.

Some of the my favorite classic routes in RMNP include:

South Face, Petit Grepon: 800 ft. (8 pitches) of stellar 5.8 Trad Climbing to an incredibly scenic summit.

Culp-Bossier, Hallett Peak: 700 ft. (7 pitches) of 5.8 Trad Climbing again to a majestically scenic summit.

Casual Route, The Diamond, Longs Peak: 700 ft. (7 pitches) of 5.10a Trad Climbing (one of the most classically known routes in RMNP)

To book your trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, reach out to me at 856-906-2853, send me an email, or fill out the registration form by clicking the “book now” button below.